Sponsorship Program

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring Ayr Community Theatre (ACT), a not-for-profit organization established in August of 2021. Our goal is to bring the community together through the performing arts including music and theatre by staging two productions a year – one in the spring and another in fall.
Our Sponsorship Program for our exciting 2025 Season is:
Diamond Sponsor ($5,000 and over)
4 tickets to a spring and fall performance (8 tickets in total)
Company logo, Individual or Family name printed in our programmes and displayed at the venue during performances
Recognition as Diamond Sponsor on ACT website and social media (Facebook and Instagram)
Announced as Diamond Sponsor prior to the commencement of performance
ACT Diamond Sponsorship Seal to showcase on your website and social media as part of your corporate community initiatives

Gold Sponsor ($3,000)
2 tickets to a spring and fall performance (4 tickets in total)
Company logo, Individual or Family name printed in our programmes and displayed at the venue during performances
Recognition as Gold Sponsor on ACT website and social media (Facebook and Instagram)
Announced as Gold Sponsor prior to the commencement of performance
ACT Gold Sponsorship Seal to showcase on your website and social media as part of your corporate community initiatives
Silver Sponsor ($1,000)
2 tickets to a spring and fall performance (4 tickets in total)
Company logo, Individual or Family name printed in our programmes and displayed at the venue during performances.
Recognition as Silver Sponsor on the ACT website and social media (Facebook and Instagram)
ACT Silver Sponsorship Seal to showcase on your website and social media as part of your corporate community initiatives

Friend ($250)
Individual, Family or Company name and logo/photo in programme
Recognition as Friend on ACT website